Wednesday 16 May 2012


One struggling to achieve something should know that there are several ways to make ends meet. There has never been one way self sufficient to all destinations, sometimes even one destination can have several ways to reach, except Heaven!
Take simple example of millionaires and billionaires in this world. Some engaged in media business, some in manufacturing industries, some in software design and development, and others in entertainment industry and so on.
Therefore, if one needs to become a millionaire, if you are to advise him/her, you cannot just say; go start a manufacturing industry, of motor vehicles for example. Does he/she have what it takes for one to be a motor vehicle manufacturing industry tycoon? Or just because there are people out there who started a similar business and make it through successfully!
Usually people fail in life and are unable to realize their dreams because they force a path that they cannot walk through. There is a Bollywood comedy movie I watched few days ago namely “Three Idiots”, man; it is really teaching stuffs, not in a way many will like or appreciate, but still the composer got it right and made it plainly clear: follow your passion (intense enthusiasm, of something positive though) if you are to succeed!
Just take an example of someone forced to do something he/she do not like. There is a Swahili saying “Unaweza kumlazimisha punda kwenda kisimani, lakini huwezi kumlazimisha kunywa maji” which translates roughly as “You can force a donkey to the well but not to drink water” How awesome this saying is!
People are usually not good in something they are forced to do. They will eventually ruin it; spoil it just to show the one who forced them into it that they are far from interested in their business. Just like slaves in some parts of world who uprooted plants just to show that they do not appreciate what their master was forcing them to do.
Now don’t get me wrong that when your boss instructs you to carry out a certain activity in certain way you should apply your own ways; what I am saying here is; when you have a dream that you wish to realize, it is you to define the ways to make it true
There are dreams that each of us wishes to realize, only if wishes were horses, poor could ride! Usually when one wants to achieve something, he looks and review what path others followed in achieving what they wanted to. And we are usually tempted to use the very same path as others had, but end unfortunately as it is common, in vain. A lot of time is wasted trying to follow a path other successful people have used, but one ends up wondering, “Why do I not succeed while I did just like somebody successful did?” forgetting that when the first person passed through that way, he grabbed all necessary opportunities as advantages leaving behind trash!
That is why I personally like a saying by Alexander Graham Bell “Never walk on travelled path, for it will only lead you to where others have been” that is to say, you should be creative enough to invent your own ways that will ultimately lead you to wherever you wish to!
In plain language, you cannot want to go somewhere never before visited by somebody else at the same time take the very same path others usually use to go to “their places”. Look, you have your destiny which in order to arrive at it; you need to take a correct path to it. If you force to use mechanisms that others used (in the same way as they did) to work your thing out, it may not be a good idea!
There are plenty of ways out there to take you to where you wish. Only thing you need to do is learn from others who are successful, but not necessarily copy what they did or imitate their ways. Each individual under the sun is uniquely different from the other, thus should act differently from the other. Even in a system, different organs perform different jobs to achieve the common goal.
Take your way if you want to reach where you want, and if one way doesn’t work, why not try the other? There are computer geeks like Bill Gates who dropped from such a prestigious higher learning institution in the world as Harvard University to introduce Microsoft, and now he is the wealthiest man on the planet!
You do not necessarily need to hold PhDs to make progress or be innovative. All it takes is what God has individually given you. Just use it however little it is, and the result you get will encourage you to move even higher. You cannot see the other side if the hill unless you climb to the top of it! If you want to see far, go further!
Hope there is a day I will talk more about this, probably using a different approach. Thank you!
Alexander Mtweve