CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP NENO SESSION By Michael Henerco on 25th March, 2013
Chochote ulichonacho kikiwa na
mkono wa Mungu ndipo kinakuwa Baraka, pasipo hivyo basi ni laana.
Tunahitaji jicho la ndani ili
kutambua kile tulichonacho ni kitu chema na cha baraka au la. 1Pet.1:3. Si kila
king’aacho ni dhahabu. Je, kila kitu cha thamani ulichonacho kinakuhakikishia
uzima wa milele? (viwe vya thamani na vitupasavyo utauwa)
Mwa.3:15, 23. The environment was
created good and friendly, but sin brought in the curse. Mankind was then
chased from Eden. After that then there is no other way out but the great
salvation (Hebrews.2:3) because everything else will be pulling you into
destruction. Everything around you will be a curse into your life. Your
possessions, parents, fellows and friends, studies and education, each and
everything is your life which is not having a Godly foundation will be a curse.
Satan will take chances and use
that opportunity to make you an enemy of yourself. Your own wisdom will be used
for your own destruction.
Nguvu ya Mungu iko katika
kunyenyekea chini ya msalaba wa Kristo. Don’t have Jesus for leisure; but for
your safety, healing, purity etc. How much happens in your life very much
depends on the extent you have allowed Him into you!
It does not depend on how much the
power of Jesus is, but the level of your faith into Him. Imani angalau kiasi
cha chembe ya haradali, njia ya nguvu za Yesu kujazwa katika maisha yako.
Kama vitu na watu walioambatanishwa
na maisha yako hawako katika msingi wa Mungu, then problems and troubles will
be duplicating themselves year after year, leo afadhali ya jana. Instead of
double the grace, it will be double troubles and curse.
Nimefunga urafiki na Yesu mtoto wa
kifalme, nami nitakula vya kifalme. I am the follower of the winner. Neema ya
wokovu kwanza, kisha haki ya vyote vya ufalme wa Mungu.