Thursday 15 November 2012

BEYOND THE HORIZON – by Azgard Steven

Once upon a time, the world was full of only two people, the entire

planet full of two people. I try to imagine, there had been plenty
than the human needs. The only difference it makes is that, everything
was natural, provided by nature; no air conditions, sofa sets and
Toyota V8. As time went on, people multiplied and today we strive and
struggle to acquire the limited resources; the demand of almost
everything seems to be greater than its supply. The world has several
times declared food shortage, fuel shortage, clean water shortage,
clean air shortage, land shortage, to mention few. Scientists are
exploring if a room can be found outside planet to damp the excess
population. Life is becoming a struggle for the fittest, to refer
But the question remains, is it real true that we have shortage of
everything? Is it true that food cannot be abundantly supplied, water,
air? Is it real true that the planet is at optimum of its capacity for
even survival? This is the paradox in the midst of synonymous
Talking of Africa, specifically Tanzania, are these questions
answerable? In Dar es Salaam, it takes several millions to get a piece
of land while in Makete-Iringa it takes just several thousands to get
the same piece of land, for the same purpose. Seven major rivers pour
their water into Indian Ocean day and night, 24 hours a day, seven
days a week; but Dar es Salaam, Dodoma and some parts of Kilimanjaro,
suffers water shortage to the extent that water is becoming amongst
scarce commodities (totally against water-diamond paradox). It takes
several ten millions to build a home in Arusha, but it takes several
millions to build the same home in Lushoto-Tanga. People are sleeping
outside others’ homes and business premises in Dar es Salaam while
there is plenty land to build a hut in Lushoto.
Economics has answers to all these scenarios; I have no doubt of that
because I have studied and understood it all. But my concern is, why
should that be? Why should be existing problems in both rural and
urban? While rural suffers of power shortage but full of water supply,
the urban suffers water supply shortage but full of power supply!
While urban suffers land shortage but enjoys transport access, the
rural suffers transport access but enjoys plenty supply of arable
land! This is paradox easy to answer by economics principles but hard
to depict in reality.
Sincerely speaking, there are problems in both rural and urban. There
is luxury in both rural and urban. The only difference is, they are
differentiated in terms of levels, nature and approach. If that is so,
then there are businesses opportunities in both rural and urban; that
mean someone can invest in rural and get returns while the other
invest in urban and get returns as well.
The very shocking shortage that the country is provokingly facing
right now, and it will sooner get worse, is employments shortage,
simply put unemployment. A good number of graduates is released every
year, meanwhile there is irrelevant growth in number of employment
opportunities in formal sector. Frankly speaking, employment shortage
may be greater than food shortage, water shortage, and power shortage;
and this may have severe consequences than any shortage ever happened.
Currently, it is normal to interview 1,000 applicants for a single
post needing 10 people. So far the Post System is currently doing
business because of one post announced by one small firm.
The question should be, is it real true that there is no employments?
If the answer is yes that means there are limited or no problems in
the society hence we have a perfect society. This is not true, our
society has many problems than the good it has; that is to say there
are many potential employments than what we currently have. That is to
say, the provoking unemployment shortage about to multiply can be
I hope it is true that the available employments are the solutions to
problems we are currently experiencing. There are currently have
doctors because there are patients; we have teachers because there are
children, there are accountants because we have financial
transactions, we have auditors because there are thieves in
organizations, there are civil engineers because we have house and
infrastructure constructions, there are marketers because we have
needs to be satisfied, etc. Hence there are vast problems in the
society that need people, that is to say there are vast employment
opportunities in the society.
Is it not true that the unemployed army constitute of accountants,
teachers, marketers, medical doctors, project planners, lawyers and
psychologists? Don’t we have such shortages in the society? The truth
is, the unemployed army constitutes of such people and the society
suffers such a shortage.
The only and biggest problem remain, who is to link between the
society’s problems and problem-solvers at the expense of payments!
Because it is not true that unemployed accountant do not want to be an
accountant, unemployed lawyer do not want to be a lawyer, unemployed
teacher do not want to be a teacher, and unemployed marketer do not
want to be a marketer. It is totally not true, every unemployed
somebody wants to be an employed somebody.
The approach to solve this problem is categorized into two, the
Aggregate Approach and the Individual Approach. The Aggregate Approach
is when the government, parastatals or private organization takes a
responsibility to define society’s problems and hire the
problem-solvers at the expense of a pay. Meanwhile The Individual
Approach is when the problem-solver takes a step to define a society’s
problem and offer a solution to it at a profit/gain.
Now, the fact that unemployment will remain a problem is defined by
the fact that either or both of the two approaches have not been in
effect. At the end of the day unemployment should not add to problems
that the society already has. I admire the fact that the system itself
does not create its people to take the individual approach to solving
the society’s problems at gain, but it should not be an excuse because
there is still a room to learn on how to go about. As I have said
before, the aggregate approach is when a government, parastatals or
private sector builds a link between society’s problems and
problems-solvers at the expense of a pay. Mind you, majority of these
private sectors ever began by taking an individual approach. Hence
behind individual approach is entrepreneurship.
Following the nature of our society, some of us should take this
approach; I believe there is ability but just willingness and
confidence. Those who tried it ended up succeed, I have examples. Less
educated people are solving society’s problems, and they gain from it;
retired and old people are doing the same and enjoy their gains; I
believe a fresh graduate can take the same move and excel. Don’t ask
me about capital, just get out of such a box of thinking of million to
thinking of hundred thousand; am sure even a hundred thousand does
something and multiplies.
It is then obvious that your family will be proud to hear you are
employed at ABC Company, but I am also sure that they are not happy
that you are not currently employed. I know that you real need a
reward to what you have constantly studied in more than 17 years, you
need a fast and good pay for it. Unfortunately going to individual
approach will mean, “Hey, you need some more time for good pay”, but
off course this is the way it works in this approach, in long-run it
gives more than a good pay.
Hence, it is and it will never be an easy task to go for individual
approach, but it is the move to take for the good of the country, but
also for your own good. If you feel courageous about this, if you feel
desperate, if you feel discontented and if you feel like doing
something like building a business venture; don’t hesitate, do it. A
try was always a good attempt except to an adolescent. So give it a
try and invest in it, invest your time and strength, invest your
skills and make a smart move. You may undergo a hard way, but don’t
give up; I can allow you to change a course of action but I don’t
allow you to give up!
Just to excite you, this will determine at what side of the table you
will sit during an interview. If you real need to live a fabulous life
at early age, try this. Don’t do it to get your daily bread, do it to
build a business empire, that you can employ your fellows. Remember,
what we call employment today was ever called slavery. An employee and
a slave have the same meaning, working for someone; the only
difference they make is that one is legitimate while the other was
illegitimate. Even a slave in Kenya used to stay at his own home!

By Azgard

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