Monday 12 November 2012

POOR CHIMPANZEE – by Azgard Steven

A chimpanzee is sitting on the tree looking downwards. Beside the

tree is a house, a good house in such. The house is made of timber and
surrounded with flowers. These flowers are watered everyday to make
them shine, and then there is a playground at the front of the house.
This chimpanzee use to sit on this tree every evening watching the
house from above.
He looks when the woman in the house goes into the kitchen and makes
fire. He looks as she cooks what he uses to eat without cooking. Later
that day the other creatures in the house, the same specie to this
woman use to sit across one big room he heard them calling it
sitting-room. They use to watch to something looking like a window but
showing other creatures and features at the other side. A chimpanzee
is wondering day after day what is happening in this house. These
creatures are covered by some things a chimpanzee never knew until he
heard they call them clothes. What are they covering, he keeps asking
himself. May be it is because of cold, he concludes.
Some mornings a male creature comes out of the house having a rope on
the chest, hanging from the neck. What is it for, chimpanzee asks
himself without specific answers. This male creature comes out of the
house in the morning and comes back in the evening in daily basis
except some few days. Where is he going every day anyway? That is
another tough question to Mr. Chimpanzee. May be he goes for food,
maybe he is the keeper of the family, he concludes. But where does he
get the food, where are his games? That is another big question to
chimpanzee and he finds no answer to that.
One morning in those days this fellow male creature is at home, a
chimpanzee saw him talking to something in his hand. At the beginning
chimpanzee wanted to assume that these creatures use to talk alone,
but later he noticed that he has something in his hand and he has to
press it on his ear before talking. He presses some things on top of
it, wait for a while and press the device on the ear and start talking
in discrete fashion. What is he exactly doing? That is another brand
new question to Mr. Chimpanzee and unfortunately he failed to figure
it out. Some days later a chimpanzee use to see a female creature in
the house using the same style with a similar device. She presses on
top of it, wait for a while, put it on one of her ear and start
talking. Something is happening here, says chimpanzee and get onto the
top branch of the tree.
The male and female creatures get off the house direct into the
playground and start playing. They are happy going after one round
thing, putting it into one hole placed on top of a post. They seem
fighting to get it, it is like everyone wants it but in a scramble
fashion. This is crazy, can’t they find another one so that they don’t
keep running at one thing and finally stop their scramble. Perhaps
that makes them happy, he thinks. Whatever happens with these
creatures is strange after all, may be that is what they are, strange
creatures. Living in a huge cage they call it house, running with a
monster they call it a car, burning their food they call it cooking,
covering themselves up they call it dressing, eating each other’s
mouth soon the male creature is back they call it kissing, you can
mention a lot strange with them.
Poor chimpanzee! A tough research, isn’t it? Human beings are doing a
lot of researches, spending a lot of taxpayers’ money in the name of
research to explore the world. They explore and come out with a lot
what seems to be strange; how ants build their tents, how bees make
honey, what makes bats both animals and birds at the same time, why
lions don’t eat grasses, you can mention them. Have you ever thought
what animals think the wonders of human beings? Have you ever thought
what they come up with, how they handle it? Have you ever thought what
human beings will do to their world?
May be they think a human being is God, or may be a human being is
Devil, who knows! May be they think one day a human being will crash
the world into pieces, may be they think the end is very near, who
knows. Or perhaps antelopes think one day human being will eliminate
their everyday threat, lions.
You may not see how wonderful a human being is unless you look from
another angle. You just see it normal a human being living in the
house, driving a car, talking to a phone and to a very specific person
amongst thousands of millions, playing cards, playing football at
business level, you mention them. You may not see the wonders of it by
looking it from a human eye; you may not see it right.
Either, you may not see new possibilities, possibilities greater than
these by wondering how impossible it is; what will be beyond a
computer, what will be beyond worldwide web, what will be beyond
information systems. After all what was beyond a typewriter in 1880s!
A new perspective needs a fresh eye, it needs a new look. There are a
lot more we didn’t do yet I believe, there are more to be done and I
pray they don’t be destructive.
By Azgard Stephen

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