Sunday 11 November 2012


Insecurity is the beginning of governments in the world. The reason
why people decided to put their fellows at their fronts is to give
them a duty to ensure their security. If the government does not
ensure security to its citizens, then the primary purpose is missed.
But the question is, what is the people’s priority during election?
What is the most used term in campaigns? If you use to attend
campaigns I hope you know what it is but if you don’t let me just tell
you, development!
I don’t challenge people’s focus on development, even me I need
development; but development without security is corruption. I need
people to develop, I need a leader with development mentality, but if
you visit my To-Do list, security is priority one.
There is high rate of insecurity in Africa than any other continent in
the world despite the fact that Africans is the race with high degree
of hospitality all over the world. After all, what is insecurity? If I
were to define the term I would say, insecurity is the state of
vulnerability to danger, is the situation where one is vulnerable to
Despite the fact that whites are the most hostile race in the world,
there is a highest degree of security in their countries than any
other place in the planet. This is odd, it is a paradox for real. The
continents with the most hostile races in the world are with highest
degree of security, while the continent of high hospitality is with
the highest degree of insecurity! If I have to discuss this I would
say may be the hostile race posed a threat to security and hence the
authority made it priority one. May be the race with high hospitality
never think of threat of insecurity and all over sudden these people
of high hospitality are now turning into hostile.
Forget the politics, but we have a problem here, and we have to deal
with it. Insecurity in Africa is devastating. Someone must have a
grilled door and windows, someone must be at home before it is too
late, someone must be very aware of his cell phone while in street,
someone must choose what to say before he is eliminated or threatened.
This is not Africa; this is not Tanzania we know of. The Tanzanians we
know of are relatives to one another, Tanzanians we know of are one
family. The language of Tanzanians is ‘love your neighbour as you love
yourself;’ this has been our language since then until few days ago.
Something is wrong somewhere, something is not right and someone is
doing nothing.
The fact that we are now experiencing insecurity is obvious, the fact
that our security is compromised is very clear ahead. Let me give few
examples of the matter. Cases that people are robbed, especially in
urban, have become a common phenomenon now. People’s properties are at
stake now; everyday someone’s home is attacked, someone’s car is
hijacked, someone’s phone is grabbed, someone’s money is forcefully
taken off the pocket, you can mention.
Cases that a certain business entity is hijacked are obvious now;
banks are robbed every day, gas stations are attacked every night,
retail shops are ambushed, people’s homes are hijacked, you can
Recently more shocking events have taken place in Tanzanian soil,
events we never thought they will happen here, events we only watched
in the news. We have witnessed a Medical Doctor, Dr. Ulimboka, being
crucified alive, from nowhere someone can be kidnapped in Tanzanian
soil. We never expected this to happen, but it has happened and the
history is written. Either, we have vividly experienced homicide, the
killing of a reporter, the late Mr. Mwangosi, again in Tanzanian soil.
We were shocked, we didn’t believe it because we never thought of it
to happen, especially to us. In 2007, the Newspaper editor, Said
Kubenea, was acidified and we thought it was just an accident, but it
happened. Just recently, Muslims have destroyed, attacked and burned
their fellow christians' worshiping places
Today, it is not safe out there, there is no one to trust. People are
full of fear, who will stand at their front and assure their safety,
their security. They are full of fear, they have no even a leap of
faith. They are waiting to see what is to happen next, they are
nowhere secure. They don’t trust each other, they don’t trust their
own environment, and worse enough they don’t trust their government;
they don’t trust those whom people’s security is their responsibility,
the police force. This is not good at all, this is far more ahead to
vulnerability; people are vulnerable and there is no one to ensure
their safety.
I think we have to readjust our priorities, I think we have to work on
insecurity threat. Yes we need development but I think our biggest
problem today is insecurity, we deal with that first. We have to
invest in the security of our people; we have to ensure they are safe
and that they are confident with their safety. Citizens have their
part in this, but the government is the key player here, no excuse to
this. The government must protect its people because that is the
reason number one to its existence. The reason why people are willing
to die is the lack of confidence to their government, and that is the
worst state to happen. Security cameras, street lights, police patrol,
police-citizen communication, reporting channel, emergence
infrastructure and law enforcement endowment should be priority. If
the government become serious than it is to ensure security, citizens’
confidence will top-up and we will have a secure society than it is
today. Insecurity is increasing dramatically, someone must take
decisive actions.

Says Azgard Stephen

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